Vectigal Corporation provides immediate T+1 (Trade Date + 1) tax refund payments on dividend equivalent withholding taxes within U.S. source derivatives income payments.  Vectigal's solutions are a significant development for financial intermediaries (i.e. withholding agents, global custodians, SWAP dealers, broker dealers, etc).  Our services:


1. Provide tax treaty benefits to clients on the same day that dividend equivalent withholding taxes are withheld on:

     a. Cross border securities lending income - substitute or manufactured dividend payments.
     b. Sale and Repurchase Agreement (REPO) transactions.
     c. Equity Linked Instruments (ELI) i.e. convertible bond instruments, etc.

     d. Specified Notional Principal Contracts i.e. SWAPS, futures, forwards, etc. with a delta of 0.80

         or more to the referenced underlying securities.

     e. Custom Indexes per Section 871(m) regulations.
2. And are consistent with the U.S. Treasury’s Final and Proposed Dividend Equivalent Regulations under Section 871(m) of the Internal Revenue Code as issued on December 4, 2013.

Derivatives Tax Refund

Disclaimer: Vectigal is not a tax advisory company; therefore this literature should not be construed as offering tax advice.  All persons should consult with their tax and legal advisors with respect to tax issues.  Furthermore, this literature should not be taken as an offer to buy or sell any securities.

Vectigal provides "Quick FATCA Refund Payments" on "Trade Date + 1" (T+1) to Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) and to Non-Financial Foreign Entities (NFFEs) on U.S. source withholdable payments.

"Withholdable payments" are:

  •  U.S. source  Fixed, Determinable, Annual or Periodic (FDAP) income (i.e. interest, dividends, rents, salaries, wages, premimums, annuities, compensations, etc.)
  • Gross proceeds from the sale or disposition of U.S. source property type that produces interest or dividends

Quick FATCA Refund Payment is available in all jurisdictional tax markets per the U.S. IRS Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 codes.  Vectigal will provide FATCA refunds to FFIs on their pooled omnibus accounts.  Vectigal accepts foreign financial institutions' pooled omnibus accounts as custody book of record for the purpose of providing FATCA refund.

59 Amanda Ave, Plymouth, MA 02360, USA              (617) 970-1101  

FATCA Refund

Our Campaign

Vectigal provides immediate T+1 (Trade Date + 1) tax refund payments  to global investors (individuals, multinational corporations, financial intermediaries, etc.) on dividend and interest tax reclaim assets from foreign government tax authorities.

Tax Refund

Contact Us today for your "Quick (Trade Date + 1) Tax Refund Payments" 

For additional information on Vectigal's solutions, please Contact Us to see how our services will benefit you. 

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